Tag: Pedagogy

Pedagogy Pitstop: 3 Ways to Incorporate Video into Your Curriculum

In our previous newsletter, Professor Kiandra Johnson provided examples of how she integrates videos made using Techsmith Relay into her instruction. Academic video can be used many ways in the classroom, not only to pre-record lessons for a flipped classroom experience. Here are a few suggestions for incorporating video into your curriculum. Click each link to see different samples […]

Pedagogy Pitstop! Enhance your Technology Integration Skills

Are you interested in integrating more technology into your classroom? Participate in these MOOCs (free workshops) and webinars to better understand how to seamlessly integrate technology into your classroom. Blended Learning with edX Length: 3-4 hours, self-paced Host: edX MOOC platform: edX Description: Educational technology is developing rapidly, and that development has presented educators with an opportunity to rethink […]

Pedagogy Pitstop: Student Engagement

The pedagogy of student engagement should enrich the student’s overall experience with the learning concepts. As we introduce more hybrid learning opportunities across campus, thinking of new ways to engage students can be a daunting task. Moodle activities can assist you with engaging students in meaningful discussions in or out of the classroom and can […]

Pedagogical Considerations for Blended Pedagogy

A blended pedagogy combines traditional classroom delivery with online learning. Learning technologies are often used to supplement the traditional classroom. By design, blended pedagogies should offer students more flexibility and opportunities to demonstrate understanding. Blended pedagogies encourage instructors to create authentic, student-centered, reflective activities for students, thereby producing more well-rounded student learning outcomes. If you […]