Create Interactive Lessons & Accessible Documents with Softchalk

SCCloudreplaySoftChalk is a content authoring software that allows you to create professional and engaging eLearning content. The software is simple and easy to use.  Faculty can upload content they create into Moodle and provide students’ with an interactive learning experience. The College has an enterprise license for SoftChalk that provides accounts to all faculty.

SoftChalk allows you to create learning material, manage the content in one location, and share with students and colleagues.



Create digital content by combining your own materials with interactive learning content and rich media. SoftChalk features embedded assessment so that you can capture students’ learning directly after exposure to the materials. After you have created your content, SoftChalk automatically converts the content into accessible HTML content. This allows all students the ability to access the materials successfully.



Softchalk Manage

SoftChalk is a cloud platform that allows you to access and edit your content from anywhere. The application has seamless Moodle integration, and once you make a change in SoftChalk Cloud, the changes are applied to all courses where this material is housed. You are also able to track student scores directly from the Moodle gradebook.


Minimize the time it takes to prepare digital content for your learners by using the SoftChalk repository. There are thousands of free learning resources that are accessible for you to copy, customize, or enhance for distribution with creative commons permissions to use in your Moodle courses.

Would you like to know more about SoftChalk? Here are several opportunities to find out more:

  • Create, Manage, and Share Content with SoftChalk Cloud (Virtual Workshops):

SoftChalk Cloud enables educators to create, manage and share their own interactive online learning content and deliver it anywhere, anytime, on any device. Create activities, quizzes and integrate media to engage the digital learner and improve learning outcomes. Manage and track student learning as well as share content and collaborate with colleagues—all from the Cloud.

– Tuesday, June 7, 2016 @ 2:00pm ET | Click Here to register

– Monday, June 20, 2016 @ 12:00pm ET | Click Here to register

– Friday, July 8, 2016 @ 1:00pm ET | Clik Here to register

  • The Instructional Technology and Design Services team will begin offering instructor led workshops in Fall 2016.

To obtain your SoftChalk account, please contact the MIT Service Desk at x5400 or