Tag: TechSmith Relay

Pedagogy Pitstop: 3 Ways to Incorporate Video into Your Curriculum

In our previous newsletter, Professor Kiandra Johnson provided examples of how she integrates videos made using Techsmith Relay into her instruction. Academic video can be used many ways in the classroom, not only to pre-record lessons for a flipped classroom experience. Here are a few suggestions for incorporating video into your curriculum. Click each link to see different samples […]

Campus Technology Spotlight: Professor Kiandra Johnson uses Academic Video to Connect with Students

This edition’s campus technology spotlight features Techsmith Relay. TechSmith’s Relay program is user friendly lecture capture software capable of recording lectures and cursor movements on your computer screen. This software allows you to create videos that can enhance learning in your classes, or can be used to transform how other academic resources are consumed. TechSmith allows you to create […]