Pedagogy Pitstop: Secure Online Assessment

In addition to having an enterprise license for Respondus, a test creator tool, the College also has licenses for two companion products for Respondus that provide secure online proctoring of students during online assessments.

Lockdown Browser

This product does exactly what its name suggests in that it locks the browser students are using to take an exam. They cannot navigate to any other website, program, or application during the exam. There is a special installation students must complete prior to taking an exam with this feature activated.

Lockdown Monitor

Monitor provides a video recording of the exam session using the student’s web cam to capture the environment around the student as well as remain focused on the student during the exam. You can view thumbnails or the entire video, but it essentially provides proctoring for exams regardless of the student’s physical location.

Best Practice for Implementation: Provide students with a practice exam so that all necessary downloads are complete prior to the graded exam.

If you would like to get started with online testing, contact x5400 or to request an account and consultation to get started.